Wednesday, March 19, 2008


5. Identifying an existing problem that is being caused by the climate change in the world today and explain how that problem can be addressed.

The rise of sea levels is a highly threatening issue for the whole world. Nations are paying great attention to it. Sea level surely rises from time to time but due to the climate change over the last one hundred years. Its rate of the increase has become greater than before. According to a BBC news report, “Australian researchers found that sea levels rose by 19.5cm between 1870 and 2004, with accelerated rates in the final 50 years of that period”. If the acceleration continues at the current rate, the scientists warn that sea levels could rise during this century by between 28 and 34cm. The emission of green house gases have to be reduced to actually handle the problem mentioned as global warming is the culprit behind the melting of the arctic glaciers, which causes the sea level rise. Lowering the usage of fossil fuels is one of the ways to effectively reduce the emission because almost all current modes of transportation depend on petrol and they release tons of those green house gases daily. Mix our current fuel with bio-diesel or change the present fuel into ethanol we use on transportations will greatly cut down the emission. Replaceable fuels like bio-diesel and ethanol can be burnt more completely than the ordinary petrol we use daily, which means less green house gases will be released. By practicing the above methods, the emission of greenhouse gases will be reduced greatly and the rise of sea levels will be slowed down, too.


Sea level rise 'is accelerating' (n.d.). Retrieved 16 February, 2008, from

1 comment:

Kwon Hyuk Jin said...

Rise in sea level is surely an international problem. Even my hometown is facing from this problem... Heard that Singapore is too... Sigh... Where am I going to live later?