Thursday, March 20, 2008

Timed-paragraph: Compare and contrast

There are dozens of ways to handle the disposal problem. If the zero waste scheme and landfilling are compared, the former one will be more suitable for Malaysia.

Zero waste disposal scheme simply means that we repair, reuse or recycle whatever we use or dispose. It's definitely a good way to reduce the waste of our daily rubbish and protect our mother earth. By doing this, many thrown materials can be given new lives instead of just being dumped or burned. Directly, less wastefulness can be achieved and more resources on this planet can be saved. The scheme has also brought up certain business aspects. When the struggling communities practise the zero waste scheme, they can get advantages from it as they are turning waste into assets. I think that this scheme is more suitable for Malaysia as people can benefit from it either financially or environmentally but education is still needed.

Another disposal scheme, landfilling seems to be an unideal and less-environmental friendly way to get rid of rubbish. Most importantly, it occupies lots and lots of space and areas that "take care" of that dumped rubbish and once the places are landfilled, those areas cannot be retrieved. Another disadvantage of landfilling is that it will generate pest problems and issues of health. Pests will breed at those sites and they will be carriers of germs, virus and diseases. When they are grown, they start to move to humans' active areas to find food sources. Thus, certain health issues will be produced.


Brad Blackstone said...

Thank you, Tai Wen, for the rewrite. I like the way you address the issue for Malaysia right from the start.

Ragnarok said...

everyone is supporting zero waste system wonder if anybody got the other perspective in this.

Mole said...

Zero waste is good.But it's not easy to achieve-____-

Kwon Hyuk Jin said...

Educating people is not an easy job. Pak Lah should educate his people more vigorously rather than sleeping in his office.

CAROT said...

I think every gorvenment try their best to solve the problem...Everything is necessary!